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Help the Hedgehogs

Advice about ways you can help support and encourage hedgehogs in your area.

Did you know that since the millennium we have lost a third of our Hedgehogs? These small creatures are now on the red list meaning that now is a better time than ever to make your garden a haven to your local hogs. We are fortunate to have many across the borough, and so with the right guidance and support we can ensure that Swale remains a stronghold for them.

Here are some simple ways you can help support or encourage hedgehogs in your area:

  • Group together with your neighbors and install /cut small CD sized holes in a discrete corner of your fence, creating Hedgehog Highways to help them in their search for food.
  • Leaving out some meaty cat food and water, NOT milk and no nuts/seeds/raisins etc. Hedgehogs cannot digest plant matter, they’re insectivores.
  • Providing a solid hedgehog house, we recommend solid wooden ones and not lightweight woven ones.
  • Being aware when gardening, we see many strimmer injuries and nest disturbances that could’ve been avoided.
  • If you find a hedgehog out in the daytime call either Wrens Hill Hedgehog Rescue or Hogwinkles as soon as possible. Out in the day, not okay!
  • If you find a hedgehog laying in the open, surrounded by flies, injured, wobbly, a tiny baby alone, laboured breathing, circling. Any of the above are valid reasons to warrant picking up the hedgehog, placing it in a box or container and either transporting or calling a rescue immediately. Please do not attempt to nurse the hedgehog yourself, we have the medications, microscopes and supportive equipment and know how for them to have the best possible chance.

Thank you to Wrens Hill Hedgehog Rescue for providing these tips.