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A global problem with local consequences

Our world's climate if facing massive changes because of climate change - a global issue we need to tackle now or face a very difficult future.

We're already seeing the direct effects of climate change with unpredictable weather patterns and increased air pollution.

We need to work together to fix it.

Swale Climate Action

Swale Borough Council is taking ambitious steps to reach net-zero across the borough by 2030. This site will take you through our action plan and progress, what you can do as a resident and what businesses can do too

What is the Climate Crisis?

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the burning of fossil fuels has lead to the rapid increase in the amount of greenhouse gasses in the earths atmosphere, which in the long term traps the sun's heat and warms up the planet. The Climate Crisis refers to the human caused changes in global temperature and weather patterns arising from this.

Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history and the trend is accelerating. In fact, the 20 warmest summers on record have occurred in the last 22 years, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Climate Q&A

1) How do we know that Climate Change is real?

Hundreds and thousands of studies by the worlds leading scientific bodies and their experts have documented that the Climate Crisis is real and already having devastating consequences around the globe. Their evidence indicates that changing temperatures is changing patterns of precipitation and contributing to rising sea-levels. This will cause  changes in growing seasons, pollinator seasons, animal migrations and dramatically alter the habitat ranges of many plant, insect and animal species.

2) But doesn't the climate change naturally?

Yes, there is and always will be naturally occurring climate change. However, this happens very slowly over thousands of years, giving life the chance to adapt and survive. The issue today is that the human activity is accelerating these changes, leaving ecosystems as well as our own delicate political, agricultural and social systems with little opportunity to prepare. This makes us extremely vulnerable.

3) How will the Climate Crisis affect me?

It's hard to say exactly what the effects of climate change on us as individuals will be, but we can be certain that it will have significant impacts quicker than we might think. For instance, changing global temperatures means that new pathogens could emerge that wreak havoc on our food production and in worst cases, our populations. Dwindling resources risks the proliferation and/or the intensification of conflict. Coupled with increasing frequency of extreme weather events and large rises in sea level that damage homes and communities, we could be seeing as many as 1.2 billion refugees by 2050 (estimates from the Institute for Economic and Peace).

Many communities across the UK, including Swale, are at risk of flooding. The interactive map below was designed by Climate Central and shows where in Swale is at risk of flooding by 2050.