Energy, Fuel and Water
It's important that we take every opportunity to ensure we reduce our carbon footprint. Find out what you can do to limit your home's emissions, and how Swale can support you.
By making the right decisions when it comes to buying energy efficient products and services, you can help reduce your carbon impact.
Meet with the Fuel and Water Home Adviser
Residents needing extra support this winter can now reach out to Swale Borough Council’s Fuel and Water Home Adviser for help and advice, managed by Swale Charity Children and Families.
You can get advice on how to effectively manage energy and water use in your home, installing low cost measures such as draught proofing and radiator reflector panels, and helping those who are eligible to apply for grants.
Complete the self referral form.
If you can relate to any of these statements, take a look at the resources available:
- I have problems paying my water bill (South East Water)
- I have problems paying my water bill (Southern Water)
- I am struggling to pay my energy bill
- I need help using my central heating
- How can I get money off my heating bill?
- I need help managing my gas and electricity
- How do I reduce heat loss in my home?
Boiler Upgrade Scheme
The government is providing grants to encourage property owners to install low carbon heating systems such as heat pumps, through the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). These grants can help property owners overcome the upfront cost of low carbon heating technologies.
The scheme is open to domestic and small non-domestic properties in England and Wales. It runs from 2022 to 2025.
You can get:
- £5,000 off the cost and installation of an air source heat pump
- £5,000 off the cost and installation of a biomass boiler
- £6,000 off the cost and installation of a ground source heat pump
You can get one grant per property.
Saving Energy at Home
Easy changes around the house include:
- Switch to LED lightbulbs, with longer life spans and which are more efficient, saving you money in the long run
- Make sure your heating isn’t turned higher than necessary
- Install a smart meter
- Turning off lights in rooms you’re not using and switching off appliances at the wall (rather than leaving them on standby) could save you around £44 a year
- Turning your thermostat down by just one degree can save around £80 on your energy bill of a typical, gas-heated three-bedroom semi.
- Use your washing machine at 30°C
- Draught-proofing doors and windows could save you around £20 per year by stopping heat from leaking from your home
… And more
If you want to make some switches but you struggle around the house, we may be able to help. Our Staying Put service provides you with help with odd jobs, including changing bulbs.
Green Homes Grant
Sustainable Warmth (Green Homes Grant) is a UK Government funded initiative, supporting local projects to make energy-saving improvements in people’s homes. It aims to help households manage fuel bills, make homes warmer and more comfortable, lower carbon emissions, and create green jobs. Warmworks is the Managing Agent of Sustainable Warmth, working on behalf of the Greater South East Energy Hub to support local authorities across the region.
Potential improvements include:
- wall insulation
- loft insulation
- underfloor insulation
- air source, ground source or hybrid heat pumps
- double / triple glazing to replace single glazing
- energy efficient doors
- thermostats and heating controls
- hot water tank insulation
Owner occupiers, and private rented properties are eligible for the scheme. For people who live in a rented property, the landlord will need to give us permission to install energy-saving improvements.
Householders also need to meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for funding:
- The home must have a low energy efficiency rating (an EPC rating of D, E, F, or G – this will be assessed by Warmworks)
- The household must meet one of the other qualifying criteria:
- Annual household income of less than £30,000 (after tax and deductions)
- Annual household income of less than £20,000 a year (after housing costs are deducted)
- Unemployed and receiving benefits related to income, disability or health
- Subject to an income payment agreement (such as bankruptcy, IVA or step change)
- State pension age and receiving housing credit