Upcoming Events
If you're keen to dedicate some time towards climate action, and have some time on your hands, why not come along to one of the events we run. From gardening events, litter picks, and bike sales, there is something everyone can get stuck into.
Upcoming Events
Great British Spring Clean
To celebrate the GBSC, we're hosting a few events to tidy up the borough. Our next one will be at Kingsborough Manor Community Woodland on Wednesday the 26th of March 2025.
The woodland was planted as part of a new development, however the trees have now outgrown their guards, which can damage the trees. To ensure the woodland thrives as a community space, we've partnered with CDDL Recycling who are kindly supplying tonne bags for volunteers to fill with the tree guards, and who will also remove the guards for recycling, ensuring nothing goes to the landfill.
Volunteers should arrive by 9am to the car park off Plough Road, ME12, 4ST. Please bring gloves and suitable footwear.
The event is subject to weather conditions, so please keep an eye out on our social media for updates.
Past events