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Planting for pollinators

Help pollinators by planting up your gardens and driveways

Many of our pollinators are in freefall. If this does not concern you in itself, then you might consider the fact that these insects are incredibly important for us in ways we have only recently begun to understand.  Pollinators are thought to contribute to over £690 million the UK economy, mainly in the agricultural sector.

Why not try to make your garden borders as diverse as possible? Planting a wide range of plants that flower at different times will make even a small space brim with biodiversity, providing an aesthetic but practical space for pollinators. Pollinators, who's numbers have declined by 65% in the last 17 years alone, are so-called because they carry the reproductive dust, pollen, from flower to flower to grow the new generation of plants. Without them a significant number of plants from trees to strawberries could not reproduce, representing a major ecological and economic disaster. The RHS  has some great resources to help you if you are planning to make your garden pollinator friendly:

  • If you have a lawn, pledge to forgo mowing for just one month as part of the annual No Mow May campaign. Not only can this make your  lawns look interesting, but will help pollinators thrive, absorb pollution and can even lock carbon underground. In 2023 hundreds of  Kent residents pledged to leave more than 131,510m2 (approximately 503 tennis courts) of lawn to grow, will you be a part of the 2024 campaign?
  • If after May you have enjoyed seeing wildlife in your garden thrive, why not supplement your lawn with Clover, Seedums, Creeping Thyme and Chamomile, or if you're really keen continue with Let it Bloom June?